Back to School, 2015
It's back to school in Guyana after a two month break. School opened on August 31, but I started a week early to get the library ready to receive students. The pigeons had been busy over the break and I was met with wide swaths of pigeon poop covering a good portion of the library floor. Fortunately I had covered most, but not all, of the targeted areas with cardboard, so cleaning was only minimally disgusting.
With the help of Phillip, a graduating student, we washed the ceiling beams, painted the floor, unpacked the books, hung my latest pigeon repelling weapons and labeled shelves with signs that the students may or may not heed.
Still I was not ready for the students on day one, or day two, or day three of school. The steady stream of students inquiring at the door did not help to speed up the process, but finally on Thursday of the first week, the Cornelia Ida Primary Library was open for business. It truly is rewarding for me to see the students embrace the books and the space with so much enthusiasm.