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Sunday, July 5, 2015

Last Week of School at Cornelia Ida Primary

I banished the students from the library so that I could pack up the books and dismantle all the trimmings in preparation for a good cleaning come the end of August. The kids gathered at the door to watch and ask me a million times if they could come into the library, could they help me pack up the books, when could they borrow books again? I am thrilled that they feel so comfortable and actually desire my company, but I have to admit it gets exhausting sometimes answering the same questions over and over. Now though, it’s only been 2 days since the close of school, and already I miss those smiling faces.

Graduation was a six hour affair. I couldn’t believe how well behaved 85 grade 6 students could be sitting in gowns on hard benches for that length of time. I myself, had to vacate to the office sofa to refresh and kick off my shoes. I returned from time to time to make my presentation of awards and watch the dance performances. After six hours, I was happy to take my box of roti and curried chicken and limp home to my hammock and shower.

Me looking like a giant next to small teachers all in green.

Naomi, 3rd from left (PCV at Queenstown Primary). They went with black and white.

Miss Dacia and myself modeling graduation garb.


Gloria sells snacks on school grounds in Snackette below.

Not a book left on the shelf.

Proud recipients of graduation certificate.

He's # 1

Certificates of Appreciation to my Library Aides