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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Old Resources!!

After school, in the CI Primary Library, it's coloring time. These kids love to color, even 30 year old coloring book pages. My sister, Charlene, sent me a coloring book that belonged to my niece, Beth, 30 years ago. Who would have thought it would serve as entertainment in Guyana in 2014.

Also the popular check-outs here are all the Disney tales; Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, Lion King, The Little Mermaid, even Bambi. The boys especially like Goosebumps and I've gotten many requests for the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew.

The hanging baubles seem to be acting as a deterrent, keeping the pigeons at bay except in one corner right over the door. I've even hung origami parrots, hoping that the competition will drive the pigeons to other roosting grounds, but they are not life size, they look more like parakeets. 

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you're instilling order. I hope the school is as cheerful as the pictures indicate. Good job PCV!!!
